Working on one thing at a time, for as long as you need to or feel like it, is a luxury.
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This site is now in archives-only mode. Click here to read why.
The winners of the February giveaway have been notified, so it is time to post the giveaway for March.
This month I am giving away one copy of a book I read recently and really loved: The Shoe Boy: A Trapline Memoir, by Duncan McCue.
This isn't a sponsored giveaway: I'll just gift you a copy of the book from your favorite ebook retailer.
You can enter the giveaway by putting your email address and preferred ebook retailer on the entry form. The only thing I'll do with your email address is use it to send you your gift, unless you check the box to be added to the Tungsten Hippo Weekly Digest mailing list. One advantage of joining the mailing list is that you'll never miss a giveaway. You also get a free short ebook when you join, and another free short ebook every six months or so. These short ebooks are pieces of classic short writing that I find and format for your ereader.
The winner of this giveaway will be notified on April 2, and I'll post the next giveaway then, too. Good luck!