Working on one thing at a time, for as long as you need to or feel like it, is a luxury.
This site is now in archives-only mode. Click here to read why.
This site is now in archives-only mode. Click here to read why.
Tungsten Hippo is a site dedicated to making it easier for people to find good short eBooks to read. It does not attempt to provide an exhaustive list of short eBooks. Instead, it lists only short eBooks that I enjoyed reading. Each book is assigned to one or more categories- and a look at the categories will tell you what sorts of books I tend to read. I may eventually make it possible for other people to contribute to Tungsten Hippo, but right now, the books are all ones I have read and enjoyed.
The site consists of short summaries of books, blog posts about topics related to short eBooks, and quotes from short eBooks.
Tungsten Hippo is now an archive-only site. No new posts are planned.
I am no longer accepting books for review. If you want to contact me for any other reason, you can email
I wrote two of the books on this site (Taming the Work Week and Navigating the Path to Industry). I am also now publishing short ebooks, and will post an entry about any book I publish here. However, publicizing my books is not my motivation in creating this site. Tungsten Hippo is motivated by self-interest, but it is my self-interest as a reader, not as a writer. I want to encourage more people to read short eBooks so that more people will write and publish them, so that I have more interesting short eBooks to read.
I know some of the authors of the books on this site. This made me more likely to read their books, but not more likely to like them. The same will be true if anyone offers me a free copy of their book. And, as noted above, I only post books I like.
Each book entry has a disclosure notice at the bottom. This indicates whether I wrote the book, published the book, or received a free copy.
Links to Amazon are affiliate links. I am open to other ways to make this site pay for its own upkeep, but will always disclose such things here.