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If you just got a new eReader for the holidays, you probably want to load it up with some things to read. Sure, you can add some novels you’ve been meaning to read, but why not explore the shorter works for which ereading provides a new market? Here are my top 10 “new to this” recommendations, to help you discover the joys of short form writing.
I chose these books not because they are better than the other books on this site, but because they exemplify some of the strengths of the format. Some are examples of how some types of story are better when they are short, while others are examples of the way in which short ebooks can lead you to explore diverse topics and discover new writers. All are well worth your time.
1. Midnight’s Tale, by George Berger.
2. The Heart of Haiku, by Jane Hirshfield.
3. The Girl Who Ruled Fairyland - For a Little While, by Cathrynne M. Valente.
4. Beethoven’s Shadow, by Jonathan Biss.
5. Wool - Part One, by Hugh Howey.
6. Why Beer Matters, by Evan Rail.
7. Uprising, by Clarence B. Jones and Stuart Connelly
8. The Pioneer Detectives, by Konstantin Kakaes
9. Solomon’s Island, by Matthew Fishbane
10. Flash Gold, by Lindsey Buroker.
Happy reading!
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